
A gemstone of oceanic hues, evoking tranquility and the beauty of the sea.

Aquamarine is a transparent gemstone with a pale blue-green coloration, reminiscent of calm, tropical waters. Its serene beauty and rarity make it a prized possession for jewelers, nobility, and collectors. Often associated with water and purity, aquamarine is also sought after by sailors and mages for its mystical connections to the sea.


Export Locations:

Best Selling Markets:

Type Base Cost Weight Export Location(s) Premium Market(s)
Gemstones 500 gp n/a Chult, The Moonshae Isles, Halruaa, Damara, Calimshan, Shou Lung Waterdeep, Suzail, Calimport, Mulhorand, Shou Lung, Zakhara