
Precision-crafted ammunition, essential for any archer on the battlefield or in the hunt.

Arrows are lightweight, aerodynamic projectiles designed for use with ranged weapons possessing the ammunition property, such as longbows or shortbows. Each arrow features a sharp tip, a slender shaft, and fletching to ensure accuracy and distance. Whether used for combat or hunting, arrows are a fundamental tool for those relying on ranged attacks.


Export Locations:

Best Selling Markets:

Type Base Cost Weight Export Location(s) Premium Market(s)
Weapons 1 gp (per 20 arrows) 1 lb (per 20 arrows) The High Forest, Evermeet, Chult, The Dalelands, Luruar, Maztica Waterdeep, Baldur’s Gate, Suzail, Calimport, Mulhorand, Zakhara