
The Merchant’s Domain, a bastion of wealth, trade, and intrigue.

Type: Oligarchical Merchant State
Region: West Faerûn
Aliases: The Merchant’s Domain
Population: Approximately 3,000,000 (historically)
Capital: Athkatla, the City of Coin


Amn is a land of wealth and ambition, its golden shores once stretching as far as Maztica and now firmly entrenched in the heart of Faerûn. Known for its mercantile prowess, Amn thrives as a hub for trade, supported by its fertile lands, abundant resources, and strategic location. Governed by the powerful Council of Five, this oligarchical state is as much a land of opportunity as it is one of fierce competition and shadowy intrigue.

Geography and Climate

Amn spans from the Cloud Peaks in the north to the Troll Mountains in the south. Its cities cluster along trade routes, the fertile western lands, and the lucrative shores of Lake Esmel.

Amn enjoys a temperate climate, with mild winters and a lengthy growing season. Its rainy season runs from Uktar to early Tarsakh, with the Cloud Peaks often isolating northern towns like Nashkel during winter blizzards.

Government and Society

Council of Five:
Amn is ruled by an open oligarchy of five merchant houses: Alibakkar, Dannihyr, Nashivaar, Ophal, and Selemchant. Each house wields economic and military power, shaping policies to protect their interests and maintain control over trade.

Social Structure:
Wealth dictates status in Amn. Success is measured by material possessions, extravagant parties, and the ability to conduct large business ventures. Even titles of nobility can be purchased, with merchants and adventurers alike vying for influence.

Trade and Commerce

Amn is known for its finished goods, textiles, wines, and precious gems mined from its mountains.

The state imports grain, luxury items, exotic wares, and raw materials from Calimshan, Chult, and beyond.

Major Trade Routes:

Key Locations

Athkatla: The capital and the “City of Coin,” known for its luxurious Goldspires temple and as a pilgrimage site for Waukeen’s faithful.
Crimmor: A trading hub and the heart of the Shadow Thieves’ operations.
Esmeltaran: A lakeside city famed for its hot springs and resorts.
Murann: Amn’s primary seaport, essential for coastal and colonial trade.
Nashkel: A frontier town at the base of the Cloud Peaks, renowned for its ore mines.

Culture and Religion

Cultural Highlights:

Amn tolerates all faiths but holds the worship of Waukeen in the highest regard, reflecting its mercantile spirit. Other prominent deities include:

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